2024年9月21日周六,匹兹堡华人社区一年一度的最大盛典,第九届匹兹堡中华文化节隆重举办!On Saturday, September 21, 2024, the Pittsburgh Chinese community’s largest annual event, the 9th Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Festival, was held successfully!

阿勒格尼(Allegheny)郡郡长Sara Innamorato 女士, 匹兹堡市市长Ed Gainey先生特别代表Nathan Harper先生,以及赞助商UPMC代表Shenay Jeffrey女士, Emerson 北美地区副总裁Glenn Heinl先生等分别上台致辞,祝贺中华文化节,共庆多元文化!Allegheny County Executive Ms. Sara Innamorato, Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey’s special representative Mr. Nathan Harper, UPMC sponsor representative Ms. Shenay Jeffrey, and Mr. Glenn Heinl, Vice President of North America for Emerson Power and Water Solutions, each took the stage to deliver speeches, congratulating the Chinese Cultural Festival and celebrating cultural diversity.

文化节全天人潮不断,垂涎欲滴的中华美食,琳琅满目的中华文化展示让到场的美国民众流连忘返。今年的文艺演出别具特色, 中国昆山当代昆剧院文化代表团首次登上中华文化节的舞台,为观众展示被誉为“百戏之师”,中国最古老戏曲之一昆曲的风采!这也是疫情结束之后首个参加中华文化节的中国文化艺术代表团。加上匹兹堡华人社区和亚裔社区20多个团体及个人精彩的全天文艺演出,让观众大饱眼福!The festival was bustling with people throughout the day. The tantalizing Chinese cuisine and the wide array of cultural displays left American attendees reluctant to leave. This year’s performances were particularly special, as the Chinese delegation from the Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Opera Theater made their debut on the stage of the Chinese Cultural Festival, showcasing the elegance of Kunqu Opera, one of China’s oldest and most revered art forms, often referred to as the “Master of a Hundred Operas.” This was also the first cultural arts delegation from China to participate in the festival since the pandemic. Additionally, over 20 groups and individuals from Pittsburgh’s Chinese and Asian communities delivered captivating performances throughout the day, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained!

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Copyright: 刘军海,孙旻,Tristan Xiao

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