The Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Center is a non-profit organization that promotes the awareness of Chinese culture and appreciation of cultural diversity, facilitates assimilation of Chinese immigrants into the Pittsburgh community, and supports relations between Pittsburgh and China.

2023-2024 Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center(PCCC) Board Members

Chairman 董事长:Dave Jiao 焦德泉
Vice Chairman 副董事长:Ye Liang 梁晔
President 总裁:Ying Zhang 张莹
Vice President 副总裁:Daozheng Li 李道正 
Vice President 副总裁:Qingzi Sang 桑庆子
Treasurer 财务总监:Yongjun Zhang 张拥军 Rong Zu 祖蓉

Board Members 董事:

Ximeng Chen 陈夕梦

Peng Cheng 程鹏

Shengli Chi 池胜利

Peng Deng邓鹏

Linze Du 杜泽林

Yuan Gao高原

Gang Han 韩钢

Tao He 何涛

Suhui Li 李苏慧

Xiaoou Li 李小鸥

Lihong Teng 滕丽红

Xiaoting Xu 许筱婷

Yuying Xu 许筱婷

Hong Zhang 张红

2023-2024 Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center(PCCC) Art Group

President 团长:Lihong Teng 滕丽红
Vice President 副团长:Shengli Xu 徐胜利