PCCC Brings Chinese Traditions to Best Friends in Beaver Falls文化中心走入社区活动

The Pittsburgh Chinese Culture Center (PCCC) continued its mission of fostering cultural understanding and community engagement by visiting Best Friends in Beaver Falls today. Board members, the center’s art group, and a dedicated team of volunteers came together to offer an enriching outreach program that celebrated Chinese culture. 匹兹堡中华文化中心致力于在匹兹堡社区宣传中华文化。近日,文化中心的团队前往位于Beaver Falls的Best Read more…

PCCC Participate Pittsburgh International Day Parade文化中心参与匹兹堡国际日游行

热烈祝贺第二届匹兹堡国际日巡游圆满成功!匹兹堡中华文化中心代表中华民族在游行队伍中格外显眼,东方韵味十足的旗袍表演迎来阵阵掌声! Warm congratulations on the successful completion of the 2nd Pittsburgh International Day Parade and Festival organized by City of Pittsburgh government! The Chinese community representatives from the Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center (PCCC) stood out prominently in the parade, receiving rounds of applause for their elegant Qi Pao performances, brimming Read more…