2024 Lunar New Year Celebrations
Lunar New Year Gala
龙腾虎跃福临门,瑞气祥和庆团圆!由匹兹堡中华文化中心主办的2024大匹兹堡地区龙年春节晚会于2月3日在匹兹堡市中心的Pittsburgh Playhouse PNC 大剧院完美举办,为到场的近六百位观众呈现了一场美轮美奂的视听盛宴!Hosted by the Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center, the 2024 Greater Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Gala was successfully held at the Pittsburgh Playhouse PNC Theater in downtown Pittsburgh on February 3rd, presented a splendid audiovisual feast to nearly six hundred attendees!
The gala kicked off amidst the lively drumming of the dragon dance troupe, with agile lion dancers weaving through the stage and audience, adding a cheerful atmosphere to the evening!
匹兹堡中华文化中心董事长焦德泉先生,Point Park大学校长Chris Brussalis先生,Pittsburgh Playhouse负责人,Point Park大学艺术系主任Kiesha Lalama女士首先上台,代表主办方和协办方致辞,感谢所有董事,义工,赞助商的鼎力支持,欢迎所有观众的光临,最后三人用中文共祝所有观众朋友龙年大吉!
Mr. Dave Jiao, Chairman of the Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center, Mr. Chris Brussalis, President of Point Park University, and Ms. Kiesha Lalama, Head of the Art Department at Point Park University and Head of Pittsburgh Playhouse, took the stage first. They spoke on behalf of the organizers and co-organizers, expressing gratitude to all performers, volunteers, and sponsors for their amazing support. They welcomed all the attendees and concluded with blessings for the Year of the Dragon in Chinese to all audience friends!
The Chinese Cultural Center’s Art Group, CMU Dance Group, Oom Yung Doe Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Chinese School, Yanlai Dance Academy, and Xiaobo Waist Drum Group took the stage first, collaborating in unity to deliver a wondrous opening dance. They vividly showcased the joyous mood of the Chinese people as the Spring Festival approaches!
新任阿勒格尼郡郡长Sara Innamorato女士,匹兹堡市市长Ed Gainey的特别代表Olga George女士,宾州州长亚太事务主任Razin Karu先生,中国驻纽约总领馆领保侨务处副主任殷民俊先生相继上台致辞,赞扬华裔在大匹兹堡地区以及阿勒格尼郡的卓越贡献,期待和大家一起共度新春!Ms. Sara Innamorato, the newly elected Allegheny County Executive, Ms. Olga George, special representative of Mayor Ed Gainey of Pittsburgh, Mr. Razin Karu, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory Commission on AAPI Affairs, and Mr. Yin Minjun, Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office at the Chinese Consulate General in New York, took turns to deliver speeches, praising the outstanding contributions of the Chinese community in the Greater Pittsburgh area and Allegheny County, and looking forward to celebrating the New Year with everyone!
开场舞之后首先登场的是匹兹堡文化中心艺术团合唱团。一首清新欢快的民谣“布谷鸟”,呈现了鸟儿在春天的美丽;另一首“see you again”,表达对远方亲人的思念。合唱团以独唱,童声,成人参与的混声合唱方式来表达这种思念之情,感叹音乐的精灵与美妙。指导老师许筱婷,指挥许筱婷,领唱陈嘉诚,刘昕云。After the opening dance, the first to come on stage was the Pittsburgh Chinese Cultural Center Art Group Choir. They performed two songs: a refreshing and cheerful folk song “Cuckoo”, depicting the beauty of birds in spring; and “See You Again”, a song expressing longing for far away loved ones. The choir used solo, children’s voices, and mixed adult voices to express this sense of longing and made audience marvel at the spirit and beauty of music. The choir was directed by teacher Xu Xiaoting, conducted by Xu Xiaoting, led by singers Chen Jiacheng and Liu Xinyun.
抽奖时间惊喜连连,抽奖嘉宾Sin Min Yap是晚会钻石级赞助商Ansys的高级副总裁。晚会头奖是韩钢先生提供的最畅销款方太抽油烟机。二等奖数个多用小家电由华人生活馆提供。获奖观众惊喜无比,新的一年好运连连。The lottery drawing was full of surprises and was conducted by special guest Sin Min Yap, who is the Senior Vice President of Ansys, the Diamond-level sponsor of the event. The grand prize of the event is the best-selling Fotile range hood provided by Mr. Han Gang. Several secondary prizes, including versatile small home appliances, are provided by HuarenStore. The lucky winners were extremely surprised. We wish them continuous good luck in the new year.
晚会的管弦乐大作来自原中国中央歌剧院中提琴首席朱焕老师带领的海华青少年管弦乐队,和中国中央音乐学院毕业的杨瑾老师培养的杨瑾国乐队,这是他们在大匹兹堡春晚舞台的再次联袂合作,中西乐器齐上阵,欢欢乐乐迎新春。演奏曲目“新春乐”,优美的旋律,欢快的曲风,纯净的音乐让观众随之舞动。The orchestral performance of the evening was by the Haihua Youth Orchestra led by Mr. Zhu Huan, former principal violinist of the China National Opera Orchestra, and Yang Jin Chinese Orchestra led by Ms. Yang Jin, a graduate of the China Central Conservatory of Music. This is their second collaboration on the stage of the Greater Pittsburgh Lunar New Year Gala. With both Chinese and Western instruments, they joyfully welcome the Spring Festival. They performed “Spring Joy”, a piecefeatured beautiful melodies and cheerful rhythms, allowing the audience to dance along.
接下来中华国粹川剧变脸的演绎将晚会再次带入高潮。登场的李雪女士专程从中国赶来,是中国绝无仅有的女变脸传承人,曾登上1998年的中央电视台春节晚会,她的表演足迹遍及20多个国家,为多位外国领导人包括前美国总统奥巴马夫妇表演过。Next, the performance of Sichuan Opera’s face-changing, a quintessential Chinese art form, once again brought the gala to its climax. Ms. Li Xue, who had traveled from China specially for the event, is the matchless female inheritor of the art of face-changing. She had appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 1998 and had performed in over 20 countries, entertaining numerous foreign leaders including former US President Barack Obama and his wife.
国乐大师杨瑾和京剧大师宋飞鸿联袂演出传统小调“紫竹调”。杨瑾老师轻拢慢撚抹复挑的琵琶伴奏,宋飞鸿老师抑扬顿挫的京剧底韵腔调,为观众带来极致的视听体验。Pipa master Ms. Yang Jin and Beijing Opera master Ms. Song Feihong collaborated to perform the traditional tune “Purple Bamboo Melody.” With Ms. Yang’s masterful pipa accompaniment and Ms. Song’s melodious Beijing Opera vocal style, they delivered an ultimate auditory and visual experience for the audience.
美好的时光总是太短暂。在晚会的最后,刘瀚博先生和许筱婷女士倾情领衔演唱 “今夜无眠”,今宵难忘,期待明年再会。在全体观众的鼓掌欢呼声中,全体演职人员一同上台谢幕,祝福所有大匹兹堡地区的华人朋友们新的一年宏图大展,龙年大吉!Good times always pass too quickly. At the end of the gala, Mr. Liu Hanbo and Ms. Xu Xiaoting performed “Sleepless Tonight” with heartfelt passion. As this memorable night was about to end, we looked forward to meeting again next year. With applause and cheers from the audience, all performers came on the stage to take a bow together, and wished all friends in the Greater Pittsburgh area a prosperous Year of the Dragon!
(注:特别感谢摄影师Dylan Sun, 周光,陈宗孚记录晚会美好瞬间)(Note: Special thanks to photographers Dylan Sun, Zhou Guang, and Chen Zongfu for capturing the beautiful moments of the gala.)